chillofeons0 31歳, 男, Oregonでの生活


Oregon, Portland
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Joyful play and naught else!
I long for reasonably immediate (as in within the first 2 meets) condomequipped, joyful, SOBER sex, no more often than once a week (if we like each other's sex of course), and less often is fine. I love to talk during play! Not to ruin the mood of course, but to enhance it. While I want to share a personal connection (at least during the mating), that does not mean I'll be clingy and calling you up every other day. If you find display of intense joy and laughter in the act annoying and are unconcerned with human connection and are only looking for elite pounding skills, I'm the wrong person by a longshot.
My Ideal Person: A woman who is nice and likes people! No smokers (unless your mouth doesn't taste like it and you don't smoke often), and as mentioned previously, the sex must be alcoholfree. If you want to drink a little you can, but not to the point where you become uncaring of rules and such. Physically, I'm looking for average build, average height, Caucasian, Asian or Hispanic, prefer shaved genitalia (won't be licking you there though, I want to be as safe as possible, which also means that if you want to put your mouth on my penis it must have a condom on), though some hair on the mons is ok.I am courteous in the bedroom and want to be sure you have a true orgasm. Before me, if that pleases you. I won't make oral contact with your vulva but I'll massage you there (how I'd love to do that with my toes) if you want, and would enjoy seeing you pleasuring yourself! Let me know what you'd most like me to do while you peak. I'm also majorly passionate about feet, and would be in utter paradise if we were to smooch one another's soles and toes! Let's go all out! One of the things I most look forward to is to dance around erotically and totally uninhibitedly, if you find that palatable, looking like Shiva and stuff, waving arms through the air and spreading toes, being utterly tribal and appearing almost ridiculous! Does that sound like fun?

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