Simaran 34歳, 男, Missouriでの生活


Missouri, Lees Summit
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


I'm unique.....just like everyone else.
Hmmm to sell myself but still maintain a level of modesty...I am a Nobel Prize winning chiseled ErosGodlike specimen of perfection with an intellect far beyond hacks like Galileo or Einstein. Oh, and I write the jokes for SNL and Robin Williams when I'm not donating blood for blind orphans that have lost their pet kittycats....Ok, now we can get the disappointment out of the way from the onset.I am a single fulltime Dad who is having a GREAT time at home, but would like to have a bit more mature interaction on occasion. I am a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, rolled into a quandary, coated with contradiction, and topped with a smattering of confusion. In other words, I like a bit of everything, I want it all, I can't pick favorites, I can't categorize myself, and I can't figure out WHO the hell decided that there should only be 24 hours in a day, but we have to sleep so much of it away!I'm highly ambitious, but I most enjoy life's simple pleasures. I work a stuffy professional job, but I'd rather be working with my hands. I LOVE to party, but I am totally content playing scrabble at the kitchen table. I like to pretend I'm a gourmet cook, but you just can't beat a pot of plain ole ham n' beans. I will sit and philosophize why donuts are round, but I laugh till I cry at National Lampoon movies. I am a quiet, perceptive observer that can rub elbows with any echilon of company and yet be a complete goofball that isn't afraid in the SLIGHTEST of making a fool of myself!
I'm having a hard time putting my finger on this. I have no delusions of jumping into a deep relationship in the short term. I know that such a thing could fall in my lap, and I'm not afraid of it at all, but I am not pursuing it either. I have other priorities that I am devoted to (they are 7 and 9). I have great family and friends, but sometimes it's just not the same as quiet conversation with a Stimulating Lady or making a fool of myself on the club dance floor with an Alluring Vixen.As for physical traits, y

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