WalterLPI 61歳, 男, Floridaでの生活


Florida, Cocoa Beach
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Love to Love
HI! My name is Walter and I live at the beach.I am a professional and one of lifes Good Guys. I am 6' Tall and weigh maybe 200lbs. I sure would like to meet a nice sweet lady.And the Good News is that I am mature and know how to treat a Lady. If you're out there and wondering if you'll ever meet an awesome man again you should contact me. Why, you ask? Because, I have so much to offer. For instance, you don't have to buy me anything because I already own anything you can think of. I've been around the World a few times so I'm able to talk or discuss thinns of import w/o sounding like a braggard or an f'iong knowitall. I admit I'm lonely for the right lady but I can only guess that U R TOO or you wouldn't be reading this profile. Please, do not let my age scare you. I admit that most people my age look like our grandparents we endured while growing up but that is not me as i have always been terminally kool so I still look good. I am forpositive STD Free as well as drug free except some crippy every now and again. What can I say I was a first rate hippy. Please, don't think twice about the age thing as 'm not asking you to grow old with me I'm only asking for a few years great YEARS OF LOVE,TRAVEL AND Fun, etc!!! Ya know something to snile about as I'm being wheeled away to the old folks home!! Oh ya, I was educated at UC Berkeley as well as Pomona Univ. I'm not on an ego trip about my accomplishments though they are many I'm just desiring to have some enjoyment of life while
I am looking for "Her"!! I am not sure what you look like but of course you will be Beautiful to me both inside and out. Your life's negative Baggage will be very limited by this time in your life.... I want a Lady who knows how to enjoy life and is at Peace in most situations. Hi my name is walter and I do not yet know you personally. I see you in my Dreams and I have desired you all my life. The two or three times I thought I found you the truth is I was more being impatient. Though those fleeting moments were wonderful and B

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