grizzly666x 61歳, 男, Californiaでの生活


California, Oroville
6 ft 2 in / 189-190 cm


need a date like to have companship go places for the weekend or over night like fine dinning but do not know how to dance very well
can treat a lady like queen as long as she give,s haif of the respect that i give her we need to be able to talk i like a lady that like,s a lot of for play becase lady,s get several felling a man get,s one so i need a lady be totaly satusfied call it ego or what ever i,am very spontanous like the finer thing in life do not any drama or head game,s "and do not lie to me becase i will not lie to you if you do it will catch you every time i love riding motorcycles but it is not a must as long as we can injoy each other and talk openly and and injoy are time and sex what more could a person ask remember the fore play a very important part i need you driping so much so i can make you explode when i inter you then it is like a glass of fine one more thing i belive the rear hole is a dump site i,am not into that other that set back a injoy being treated like a queen for a day and yes i,am married and going to stay that way remember that lieing goes for me too that way there is no surprise,s i,am up front at home to
I,AM looking for some one that is honest and would enjoy having a goood time and would,nt mind being treated like a lady that would be able to talk about what they like i have this stupit thing called ego and for me to get of i have to set a lady on fire only way i know how to do that is have lot,s of foreplay i mean a lot i nee3d so driping wet so when i inter her she just explode,s be live me a man knowe,s when they are for real or not that is the other thing she need,s to be honest at all times do not like a liar no matter how you do it you will be caught and that goes for me as well right out the gate i,am married and going to stay that way we just lead two differt live,s any way like two travel or just find a nice serounding,s enjoy fine dinneing but not a dancer but do not mind if you dance with some body that is good You see the point is we both enjoy are self,s i do li

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