iamamused 59歳, 男, Albertaでの生活


Alberta, Edmonton
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


Honesty, Trust and Sincerity... All MEMORY making tools...
OK… Time to make a change or two (lol). Guess my profile was looking just a wee bit cynical, but damn it is just a favorite frame of mind. I am not as jaded as my writing may appear I am just trying to view and express the world in a more humorous light, life is far too short to be serious all of the time ;). My goal is to find that elusive balance between the reality of survival and the sheer pursuit of enjoyment. We all have to buy the groceries, put a roof over our heads and pay the bills but warmth, passion and laughter can make it all worthwhile. Whether it is a game of “nobody loses” strip poker ;), dinner with friends and family, an enjoyable evening of entertainment or a very long and passionate session of lovemaking (not big on “quickies”)… life outside of the workplace can be a wonderful ride. OK, enough of philosophy 101 (lol), I am sure I have made my point by now or everyone has stopped reading and moved along (hmmmmm). None of us is here for a really long time so lets just have every possible moment filled with wonderful memories.
HMMMMM… Five feet, seven inches tall… blonde hair, blue eyes, hourglass figure… The virtues of Mother Theresa in public and the sinful pleasures of a rock star in bed (lol). OK, the reality check is now complete J so here is my ideal goal… What is ideal is that there truly is no “goal”. Everyone needs friends, comfort and support are great things, lovers are a blessing (yup, yup, yup). You want to exchange correspondence then we will chat if you desire… You want to exchange conversation my phone bill is paid… You want to exchange photos my web cam works… You want to exchange intimate touches then we can share in the search for the perfect sensation… Any way your heart moves you… You write, we chat, the possibilities are endless.

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