Smooth190 23歳, 男, Georgiaでの生活


Georgia, Harlem
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


We must not go where the path may lead; instead, we must go where there is no path and leave a trail...(hey I can't send any messages)
One word I would use to describe my personality is...Many. I can't just use one word for me because I can be many things.I'm a very calm person,I let my words speak for my emotions but in a calm and smooth way.I see life in many ways...Sometimes I think life sucks and sometimes I think it's going to be hard later on as I get older.I believe in life after death and all that other stuff.I believe that all my questions about life after daeth will be answered when I die...Also I like to write a lot,like poems (my favorite)...I wirte a lot of poems and soon I'm going to publish a poem book (well 5 books but not at once)...I like writing, a little bit of reading when I'm really bored or have nothing to do...I like to have money because money can buy happiness,well you can buy the things that makes you happy/besides people...I like a lot of music and types of music, like hip hop, rock, R&b, rap, a little alternitives, jazz, a little punk...and thats mostly it..I think scary movies are the best...Other movies is really good and I like to watch a lot of movies but if I had to choose my number 1 type of movie it would be scary & suspense movies...I usaully watch a lot of t.v shows but my top ones are, One Tree Hill, Supernatural,and Smallville...I have to watch those or I'll be lost and mad because I missed an episode...If I was in danger I don't think Superman or Spiderman will save me...They are not real,so in real life I would be my own hero but in the fake world it's Spiderman..
Someone who has a good personality...I really don't look for anything because who knows if your true love is what you look for in a girl.It can be any girl out there so I'll like to meet any girl and get to know her then together we can grow to love one another and as our love grows stronger it will build true love cause I believe true love can only be build apon and not found...People who been together for year

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