lakeloverinKS 59歳, 男, Kansasでの生活


Kansas, Manhattan
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


Love to give massages
I will be ending my membership on Aug 23. Please contact me before that time with a wink or email and I will contact you back.I am very easy going and affectionate. I love to please my partner and cuddle in bed. I try to keep in shape and work out 3 times a week. I am very open minded and willing to try new things. Would be interested in a serious relationship if the right person came along. Really enjoy giving and receiving massages. I have a beautiful view of the lake and like to party with friends on the deck. I really enjoy listening to good music and just watching the sailboats go by. At heart, I'm just an old hippie.I have worked in the electronics field for a long time and like to tinker in my shop as a hobby. I think I have a pretty good sense of humor but I also have a serious side and am very concerned for my country and the direction we are going sometimes.
Honestly looking for a soul mate. I think it is important to have a mutual physical attraction towards each other. Having a few things in common would be nice, but sometimes opposites work too just depends on how we would mesh. I would like someone who enjoys going out to dinner and movies or just being lazy and hanging out at home. It would be great if they enjoyed swimming, tossing a frisbee, going for walks, smacking an occasional tennis ball, gardening, shopping or just hanging out in the sunshine in a hammock together. I would eventually like to put a jacuzzi in my back yard everybody likes them, don't they? I would really enjoy it if they loved giving and receiving massages as much as I do. And, of course, I would want someone who loves making love all the time! If the chemistry is right, we'll know it. Otherwise, maybe make a new friend. Would certainly enjoy just having the company of an attractive woman and get to know her.

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