corgifrog67 51歳, 男, Texasでの生活


Texas, Houston
6 ft 4 in / 194-195 cm


Hello Delicious Baby, wanna play?
The mists on the hillside beckoned her body to want, the waves thrusting against the shore compelling her ignited desires, the silk dress was clinging to her drenched voluptuous body. She was disheveled by the fury of the wind and rain. Her gentle visage ignored vexatious formalities and instead embraced the erotic journey. As she stood on top of the hillside astounded by this power that it held over her. Her eyes closed as she devoured with a hunger; the turbulence, the electrifying thrusts against her body, sensations pulsating throughout her senses. Her head tilted back, her eyes closed and her mouth simultaneously opened with a drawn out gasp. She stood there reveling in the veritable passion that she held in such high esteem. Yes, he was here. His wet shirt was stretched taughtly against his hairy chest. He saw her, standing there waiting for him. His eyes drank her in, lavishing in her dripping attire. His hand reached for her, a soft touch; yet electric in it's fulfillment. She inhaled sharply as his body seeked the sactity of her sweet embrace. Despite the cold wind, his manhood pressed against her thigh... seeking to be home, deep within her. His firm embrace gave her the confidance to open her heart to this lover from her dreams. He started with a gentle caress. Nothing paced fast within this lover of life. He was slow, gentle and methodical in his reach. Within a short time, forever in emotional claims. Write me
he reached in, massaged this etheral beauty's heart. Her heart raced with the desire of his touch coming to her in waves, just as the ocean massages the beach. His heart, bound just as fiercely to hers, was beating just as hard. Two hearts beating as one with the rythem of the sea, the rain gently replenishing the scene with a renewed cool rinse. He pulled her shapely chin up, her eyes locked into his as if there were nowhere else to go... he descended upon her sweet pouty lips with his. They shared breath, breathing as one. slowly their embrace was even more

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