Sincerelyalways 57歳, 男, Wisconsinでの生活


Wisconsin, Lake Geneva


Are you my number 10 ?
I'm honest,hopeful,loving,caring,sharing,simple laid back kind of individual I'm known as a tree hugging liberal in my local area. I am opened minded of most things but i do have limitations in some areas. I hope to find a gal that is understanding an is nonjudgmental one the sees the glass half full rather the half empty meaning a positive out look. I'm not one to judge a persons appearance to me there's no such thing as a ugly person ugliness comes from within. In 1988 i was involved in a bad car wreak caused by a drunk driver as you can see I'm in a wheelchair. CLICK that's the spot i usually get rejected that's ok I'm use to it. Since 88 I've experienced discrimination, rejection on a daily basses. I have a mountain of broken hopes,hurt feelings plus i filled a ocean with my tears. I'm not looking for players to add to my mountain so don't waste my time and feelings if your not sincere my feeling aren't yours to play with. I do believe in the values of marriage why take the vows if your not willing to abide by them get a divorce before you fool around. I personally would not feel right nor will i ever be with a married gal. I hope on this site maybe people are more open minded an understanding so are you my number 10 an make my soul shine?
I'm looking for a gal that can rise above the fact that I'm in a wheelchair get to know me first. A gal that likes the great out doors with all that it has to offer a tree hugging liberal like myself. One that likes to stop to smell the flowers instead of being under the stress of chasing the mighty dollar. If you find your self doing so you lost the true meaning of life remember it's only material possessions the we think we need but in all reality don't even use most of them. I would like to do soul searching with my partner hopefully it will blossom into one.

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