iamtheraceman 39歳, 男, Floridaでの生活


Florida, Orlando
6 ft 1 in / 186-188 cm


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First, I'm NOT looking for a relationship or girlfriend. I've been single with no kids for all of my life and I like it that way. I've watched most people I know get stuck in the rut of having to start asking permission and answering for things they enjoy and I don't look forward to it. I enjoy my freedom and am very protective of it. If you're still interested in trying to hook up, then I might suggest having more than one pic of yourself. And show your face. A second pic of yourself that ends up being your ass doesn't convince me you're the same person I looked at in the first pic. I'm loud and sometimes obnoxious. I enjoy the rock star lifestyle, but I also enjoy chill time. It depends on my mood. I'm also very dominant in bed. I pull hair, I smack asses. I also eat pussy but it better be clean. Don't even bring your ass if your cooch smells like something died up there. I WILL check and just end up making you cry if it does. Good luck.
Please be hot. No fat cows or dog faces. I won't respond, and I'll probably just laugh. You don't have to be a Barbie doll, but if you're kinda' large or just look plain wrecked don't bother. If I sent you a wink then you're in. Another big thing NO CLINGY, CRAZY CHICKS!! Like I said above, I am very protective of my freedom and I don't need some chick all up ons just because we met and I stuck my penis in her vagina. I don't have any hangups about sex or knowing people. I'll let you know if you're cool enough to keep talking to after anything that may happen. Also, if you're interested in talking I highly suggest upgrading. Though I may leave a wink there's nobody on here that is gonna' make me want to put money out to email just because they look good. There's nothing missing from my life, but if you think you can add something to it and have a little fun in return then make it happen and make me like you. 'Nuff said.

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