lewis030 23歳, 男, Cumbriaでの生活


Cumbria, Wales


hi im lewis and i like hot girles
im a loving pearson that likes to be in a relashonship and look after my girle to here standerdes and likes to get romantic and dirty and bye
when i was 9 i started to take coke and have been doing it for 9 years and got caught a fuew time the last time i got caught i got sent dowen for 2 years for having about £2,000 worth of coke i lost every thing my house my job and my love of my life and i realised that that was anuth i got out of gail about a month ago and have been off it ever since i realised that it is not worth it im currently on a rehab program with the docture im finding it hard to ceep away from the suff but if i get caught again ill got to jail for 8 years i really dont wont to be going there again so iv been adviced by my doc to get my life back and that is what im doing im currently not in a job because of my history but i do have a new house and i have no one to share it with i really wont some one that will help me frew my heard time and help me get my life back i dont wont to be bye my self no more i yust wont some one that will love me and help me to keep off coke for good and i wont some one that isnt scared to tell me to pack the fuck in and i wont some one that cares and understandes what iv been frew and to help me frew my hard time and daont wont to be bye my self iv lost every thing and dont wont to loos it again i wont to have a family and i wont to grow old with my partner and to remember all thoes good time so that is basicly what i wont and bye the way i got my dat of birth rong im 20 years old

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