RodManVirgo 56歳, 男, Wisconsinでの生活


Wisconsin, Osseo
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


Horny and Lonely Hippie Dude
48 long light brown hair, blue eyes, 5' 9" weigh 140, tattoos, well endowed and have been alone for a year now! I am a very honest man with strong morals and I don't lie as it always catches up with you anyway!I am only a standard member and can not send mail and can't seem to be able to get my credit card to work here! I am divorced and live with my 2 dogs in a small log cabin in the forest...very cozy and private! But needs a womans touch! You know how when you first lay eyes on someone and something goes off and you can't let it go...can't get them out of your mimd? call it love at first site if you will! I have just that feeling about an awesome pretty woman that I have been winking at for months! god I hope she feels it to! if only she kmew the depth that she has reached within my soul and the power she holds over my will! Darn debit card will bot work :( 1 wink each day as long as they are returned I will know!
I would like to find someone who likes country living near a small town. someone to talk with about dreams, ideas and life in general! just someone to spend time with! I wink only at women that I am very interested in! I look for the woman that when I kiss and breathe deeply about her neck it sends shivers all the way to her toes! And some one that I can't help but smile to as she already has my heart! I just never layed my eyes on YOU untill this time in my life and only after so much unhappiness and regret! Why did so much time slip away? Were we too busy? did we think we were in love? and were happy? or have we always had a deep knollage that somewhere there was a perfect mate for each of us and it became a race against time and finding true happiness? God I hope my spacyStacy knows!

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